What will you raffle?

First, select type of raffle

List of participants

By teams

Number range

Participants (either a player or team) will meet for matches. Valid for starting a knockout tournament
As many as you choose between a specific range (both inclusive).
Picking a winner from list.
Set names or numbers!

First, select type of raffle

List of participants

Set participants and pick a winner Begin

By teams

For pairings Begin

Number range

Great for lottery Begin
15° T Interno River - Grupos
By groups of 4
David GallegoJuan GomezNahuel SandovalDiego Agüero
Nair AlcobaCharly BrownDaniel RiveraKike Fernandez
Gabi NoahMarco GarcíaPedro Da SilvaAlex Rivas
Irvin NavaErick NavaOscar NogueraJonatan David
  • Information
  • Pre-raffle
  • Raffle basis
By groups of 4 Teams: 16
Name draw: 15° T Interno River - Grupos Created on: 2024-07-20 00:18:35 Was scheduled for: 2024-07-20 01:00:00
Created on (UTC 0): 2024-07-20 00:18:35 - [GMT -3] - Visits: 19
1Juan Gomez
2Gabi Noah
3Alex Rivas
4Oscar Noguera
5Erick Nava
6Irvin Nava
7Pedro Da Silva
8Daniel Rivera
9Jonatan David
10David Gallego
11Kike Fernandez
12Marco García
13Nair Alcoba
14Diego Agüero
15Charly Brown
16Nahuel Sandoval
Raffle basis
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