What will you raffle?

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List of participants

By teams

Number range

Participants (either a player or team) will meet for matches. Valid for starting a knockout tournament
As many as you choose between a specific range (both inclusive).
Picking a winner from list.
Set names or numbers!

First, select type of raffle

List of participants

Set participants and pick a winner Begin

By teams

For pairings Begin

Number range

Great for lottery Begin
Dia de las Madre
1Carla Medina
  • Information
  • Pre-raffle
  • Raffle basis
Participants: 19 Winners: 1
Name draw: Dia de las Madre Created on: 2020-10-18 00:53:33 Date draw: 2020-10-18 00:53:33
Created on (UTC 0): 2020-10-18 00:53:33 - [GMT +3] - Visits: 165
1Matias Abib
2Ely Jaime
3Luciana Zamora
4Carla Medina
5Noelia Shell
6Mariano Vivero
7Norma Andre
8Silvana Torrez
9Belen Orozco
10Sofia Figueroa
11Jimena Martinez
12Sra Graciela
13Rodolfo Ganan
14Rosa Gomez
15Noelia Lazo
16Fanny Esc.
17Karina Esc.
18Mariana suarez
19Ivana Sosa
Raffle basis
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