What will you raffle?

First, select type of raffle

List of participants

By teams

Number range

Participants (either a player or team) will meet for matches. Valid for starting a knockout tournament
As many as you choose between a specific range (both inclusive).
Picking a winner from list.
Set names or numbers!

First, select type of raffle

List of participants

Set participants and pick a winner Begin

By teams

For pairings Begin

Number range

Great for lottery Begin
By groups of 12
Incendio OscuroIslas VolcánEnergía IncoloraBosque MisteriosoGigante TropicalCura MísticaColosos del FuegoMarea EspiritualTitanes del InfiernoArmada RojaAguas RevueltasAzote Cósmico
  • Information
  • Pre-raffle
  • Raffle basis
By groups of 12 Teams: 12
Name draw: Name undefined Created on: 2025-02-04 23:53:01 Date draw: 2025-02-04 23:53:01
Created on (UTC 0): 2025-02-04 23:53:01 - [GMT +1] - Visits: 4
1Bosque Misterioso
2Colosos del Fuego
3Islas Volcán
4Azote Cósmico
5Armada Roja
6Titanes del Infierno
7Cura Mística
8Aguas Revueltas
9Gigante Tropical
10Energía Incolora
11Marea Espiritual
12Incendio Oscuro
Raffle basis
- Randorium no tiene ninguna responsabilidad 
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